
Hooe Primary Academy

'Happy, Passionate about learning and Ambitious'

July 2024

Hi, I’m Helen Maddaford and I was the Governor for the month for June. The summer term is well under way and as I reflect on the month of June, my garden is changing as the summer flowers bloom and my attempts at growing a few vegetables are surviving despite the slugs!! It reminds us of the changing seasons but also the changes / challenges that constantly occur in schools as children will soon be transferring into different classes and planning takes place for the start in September. Governors have much to consider during the meetings and how we can support the school in different ways. June started with the excitement of Sports week and Sports day. There was also opportunity to hear your views through the Parent Forum. It is important that the school works in partnership with you and is forward thinking with Governors supporting this. I will be leaving my role as a governor after many years, and I have been delighted to be part of a supportive governing body during the many changes. I have had a variety of roles, but this past year have had responsibility for the Early Years Foundation stage, SEND and supporting the headteacher’s performance management. It has been a privilege and I have been delighted to be a small part in the life of Hooe Primary. I wish you all a fantastic Summer. Regards Helen Maddaford
