
Hooe Primary Academy

'Happy, Passionate about learning and Ambitious'

Iain Freeland

Name:                                  Iain Freeland

Category:                             Academy

Appointing body:               Co-Opted

Term:                                   November 2022- November 2026                              

Responsibilities:                Early Years

Register of Interests:         None  

Other Governorships:        None


My name is Iain Freeland and I am the parent of a former Hooe Primary Academy pupil and live in the community.

I am an educational professional, currently working for a national multi-academy trust as a director. 

Until 2021, I was one of Her Majesty's Inspectors and led on a number of curriculum projects within Ofsted and across the geography education community. I continue to inspect for Ofsted on a part-time basis. 
