
Hooe Primary Academy

'Happy, Passionate about learning and Ambitious'

January 2024

Hi, I’m Helen Maddaford and I am Governor for the month of January.

As I’m looking out onto my garden with the start of the Spring flowers beginning to sprout from the ground and the brightness of the daffodils, it reminds us of all of the yearly cycles; the busyness of Christmas and the New Year is now behind us. As we move along through 2024 and settle in as part of the Learning Academy Trust there will be change for all of us. If you’re like me, change can be difficult to contemplate but it is also exciting to see the direction Hooe will be moving in as we can learn from being part of a bigger Academy Trust.  It is a real pleasure to be part of the dynamic governing body at Hooe and along with the school staff we will be working together to develop the school for the children during the next year.

Governors met for our first governor meeting of 2024 on the 22nd January.  The meeting was full of important information with a particular focus on assessment data and the School Improvement Plan. As a governing body, we aim to support, challenge, and help staff to achieve the best outcomes for all the children at Hooe. It is so encouraging to see how determined and committed everyone is to providing rich and varied experiences through the curriculum.

 Since September I took on the responsibility of the Governor for the EYFS and SEND. I visited Hooe during the Autumn Term to talk with Staff and visit the classrooms.  I was impressed on how the children were within the classrooms and in the corridors. They were polite, attentive, and respectful. I felt very welcomed by the children and staff at Hooe.

I’m looking forward to visiting school during the next months as we move hopefully towards the warmer weather of Summer.

Regards Helen Maddaford

