'Happy, Passionate about learning and Ambitious'
Governor of the Month -January 2023
Hi, I’m Helen Maddaford and I am Governor for the month for January
As we start this New Year of 2023 and leave the Christmas and New Year festivities behind, the focus will be on continuing the positive feeling that came from the Ofsted inspection. It is a real pleasure to be part of the governing body at Hooe. Governors and the school staff will be working together to develop the school for the children during the next year.
Governors met for a second Governor Day on the 23rd January. The day was a mixture of focused work but also visits to the classrooms, drinking lots of tea/coffee and eating biscuits!! Kate joined us for part of the day, which shows the positive links we have with the school. Work focused on the Governor Action Plan and the next steps for the merger of the MAT. We also linked with Mark Lees Advisor from the MAT who was reviewing various curriculum areas in the school on that day. Governors found this a useful and informative process and it’s always positive to reflect on areas the school should be aiming to improve and celebrate successes. It was good to see children in classes and talk with them and meet with parents/carers/staff in the playground at the end of the day. I visited Reception as I’m the Governor responsible for the EYFS and had a fun time talking and playing with the children who were looking at change. If you're like me, change is difficult to contemplate but I’m delighted at how welcoming the children and staff are at Hooe.
I’m looking forward to visiting school during the next months as we move towards the warmer weather of summer.
Helen Maddaford