
Hooe Primary Academy

'Happy, Passionate about learning and Ambitious'

Barbara Smith










Name:                                  Barbara Smith  

Category:                             Academy

Appointing body:               Governing Body

Term:                                    March 2013 - renewed until January 2026                         

Responsibilities:                 English 

Register of Interests:          Michael J Saunders Limited

Other Governorships:        None


Hobbies and Interests:  Rotarian, swimming, shopping, reading

My eldest son started at Hooe Primary in September 1998 and I become a governor when I successfully applied for a position as a parent governor in 1999.  My career has been in the financial community and I felt I could put my financial skills to good use.


Both my children received an excellent education at the school: Francis is studying Maths and will graduate from Cardiff University this year and Nick is currently studying History at Toronto University.


I have fulfilled many roles during my 20 years as a governor, including Chair of Governors.  I am passionate about my role as a governor and the delivery of education to the children in the local community. 
